Understanding Orgonites: Reclaiming Your Energy and Raising Your Vibration

Understanding Orgonites: Reclaiming Your Energy and Raising Your Vibration

What are Orgonites?

"Orgone" is a term coined by Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, who believed that all living things possess a life force energy, also known as "orgone energy."

He believed that this energy could be harnessed and manipulated for various purposes. 

An Orgonite, on the other hand, is a product made of resin, metal shavings, and crystals and is widely believed to have the ability to attract and repel orgone energy.
While some people may view orgonites as purely pseudoscientific, there is some evidence to support their effectiveness.
 Orgonites, for example, are made of materials that are known to have piezoelectric properties, meaning they can generate an electric charge when pressure is applied. This charge is said to interact with the orgone energy in the environment, creating a more balanced and harmonious energy field.
Harnessing the power of the orgonite
One of the main benefits of orgonites is their ability to help us harness and store energy. By placing orgonites in areas where we spend a lot of time, such as our home or office, we can create a positive and energised environment. 

Some people also use orgonites in meditation or healing practices to help them tap into their own energy and increase their vitality.

Enhance your sex life 

Another interesting aspect of orgonites is their potential to unlock and enhance our sexual energy. This is because orgone energy is believed to be closely connected to our life force and vitality, which can also be linked to our sexual energy.

Some people use orgonites in their bedrooms or during intimate moments to heighten their sexual experiences and deepen their connection with their partner.

Ways to use your orgonites

Now that we understand the basics of orgonites, let's explore some practical ways to incorporate them into our daily lives. 

Here are a few simple suggestions:

1. Place your orgonite near electronic devices to neutralize their harmful EMF radiation.

2. Use orgonites in meditation or yoga practices to enhance energy flow and promote relaxation.

3. Keep an orgonite in your car to help you stay alert and focused while driving. (Use safely, keep in the glove box, not in a dangerous place like the dashboard).

4. Use orgonites in your bedroom or workspace to create a more balanced and energized environment.


In a world where we are constantly bombarded with stress and distractions, it's important to find ways to replenish and balance our energy. Orgonites offer a natural and holistic approach to harnessing and storing energy, allowing us to live more fulfilling and vibrant lives. So why not give them a try and see the positive impact they can have on your well-being?

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